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Factory information


Right from the initial stage of RMG business in Bangladesh, Abedin Garments Limited, a Group-QA company, entered into the trade of apparel (woven) manufacturing. Abedin Garments Limited started its journey with only two lines at a rented accommodation at 50 Gulshan, Dhaka in August 1983. Gradually it has increased its scope and size of business to three lines by the end of 1989. Thereafter due to opulent demand from the buyers and increased opportunity, the management felt the necessity for opening another unit namely Kaniz Garments Ltd at 158 Tejgaon, Dhaka (a rented accommodation) in July 1994 with four lines. With the passage of time, the booming business led us to develop the 3rd unit namely Kaniz Fashions Limited in October 1998 at 50 Gulshan, Dhaka with two lines. Considering the rapid growth and expansion of business, Group-QA has established its own production facility at 228/A, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka, which is a 9 storied building of about 1,60,000 sft, each floor left alone with the space of 18,000 sft. The factory is well equipped with Material Handling System (MHS) from Mostoles, Spain. The bonded warehouse is equipped with racking system which have been imported from Vogel Sang, Germany. It has also introduced Switch Track and Production Handling System. This Switch Track has been imported from the United Kingdom and it’s design was developed by the renowned company of South Africa and the MHS was designed from Sri Lanka.

In order to make our position clear to all our Buyers as well as to our staff and workers, we have set forth a ‘Code of Conduct’ policy. It is almost non-negotiable requirement so that all staff and workers without any exception follow this Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct of Group-QA has been formulated considering the following major issues of industrial and commercial factors in line with labour laws of the soil.

* Environment
* Factory Conditions
* Safety (Building, Fire and Man Security)
* First Aid
* Employment
* Workers’ Rights and Entitlements (Employment Contracts, Wages, Working Hours and OT etc)
* Child Labour
* Indiscrimination
* Freedom of Association
* Forced Labour
* Staff Rights and Entitlements
* Application of Code of Conduct
* Monitoring


Group QA complies with all applicable environmental laws and regulations of the country. Where such requirements are less stringent, the factory authority would out-line their own directions to meet the international standards as and when necessary.

Factory Conditions

Group QA ensures cleanliness of its premises, floors and every work station. Room temperature of working floors are tolerable, while sufficient ventilation keeps the floors congenially airy. Lighting at every work place is sufficient and separate sanitary facilities for men and woman are adequate, easily accessible and clean.

Safety (Building, Fire and Man Security)

Group QA ensures safety of its all structural establishments, they are well built and properly maintained. All exit routes and doors are clearly marked with ‘EXIT’sign, adequate stair-ways and escape routes are in place.

Sufficient number of smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, hosepipes, dedicated water reserve and other fire-fighting equipments are available as per the law of the land. These arrangements have been certified to be ok by the concerned govt. authorities.

Group QA also arranges adequate safety guards for both PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and machineries. Engineers, mechanics and electricians ensure time to time checking of all machineries, electrical cables, panels, switch boards etc. Training are conducted periodically and all workers are encouraged for using safety gears.

First Aid

Group QA ensures medical attention of its workers. Adequate number of First Aid boxes / facilities are placed on each floor complying the local laws and the person in charge of the First Aid Box area is trained properly. A registered MBBS doctor and a qualified nurse have been posted in the in-house medi-care centre and they take care of the patients as and when necessary. If   any worker, while on duty, needs higher medical attention, we provide the same from outside at Company cost.


Group QA ensures issuance of appointment letters to all its workers at the time of joining. Age verification is done by own registered doctor before recruitment. Appointment Letter contains the followings:

  1. Wages structure
  2. Daily working hours
  3. Weekly off-day.
  4. Maximum Over Time work ( not more then 12 hours a week)
  5. Over Time rates (double of basic wages)
  6. All kinds of leave (Casual, Sick, Festival and Annual) facilities as per law.
  7. Maternity leave and benefits thereof as per the provisions of law.

Pay Slips are issued to all workers regularly on the day of wages payment that clearly depicts the break down of their monthly wages. Wages of our workers are always on the higher side that usually exceeds what the Minimum Wages Act demands. Wages of workers are paid by 7th day of the following month.

Service conditions of the workers are governed by the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 and we strictly go by the dictates of the law. Apart from all these, we allow our workers to encash their un-availed Annual leaves at the year-ending.

Workers Rights and Entitlements

We are well aware of the basic rights of the workers and their minimum needs at the work place. To ensure a congenial workplace, the prerequisites are: no forcible work, helpful supervisors, compassionate to employee grievances, no physical punishment, no sexual harassment, enjoyment of weekly off-day and other leaves as per law, timely payments of wages etc. On the other hand, easily accessible wash-room facilities, safe drinking water, clean cafeteria, neatly managed day-care centre for the suckling babies – these are the minimum needs of the workers. We ensure all these, because we believe all these elements develop a sense of belonging amongst the workers.

Child Labour

Group QA strictly ensures, there is no child labour in its factories. While recruiting the workers, it ensures that the workers must be of minimum 18 years of age and that always be certified by the in-house registered doctor.


Group QA employs workers regardless to race, color, gender, religion, political opinion, social or regional origin and marital status.

Freedom of Association

Workers are free to join associations of their own choice. Authority does not interfere with the workers who wish to law-fully and peacefully associate, organize or bargain collectively. Our workers are always free in selecting or choosing their association or organization.

Forced Labour

Group QA does not force any worker to work and does not use bonded or prison labour and nor it takes any financial deposit from the workers against their employment.

Staff Rights and Entitlements

Group QA recruits all its staff, officers and higher management executives following a high-level ethical practice. Staff rights and entitlements are determined before contracting or issuing appointment letter.

None of the staff, officers, executives and higher management executives are allowed to manage or favour, or convince superiors or parties outside by exchanging any kind of gifts, money or other sorts of unfair and unethical means. Person(s) who found to be associated with such kind of mischiefs, are brought to book on charge of misconduct.

Application of Code of Conduct

Group QA assigns its responsibility for all matters pertaining to the code of conduct within its organization. The authority also assigns responsibility for implementing this code at all levels  and ensures that all employees and workers become aware of the contents of the code by visualizing the same displayed on the notice Board in Bengali language.

Group QA assigns duties and responsibilities to its employees for regular monitoring, supervision and strict compliance of the COC. They inspect frequently and keep record if any non-compliant activities are found at floors and sections. Inspection is done without hampering any process or speed of production or any disruption in the performance of works. They may interview the concerned persons where it is deemed necessary for any specific occurrence. Officer in charge of the Code of Conduct (Compliance) reports to the top management from time to time of any non-compliance of this policy and ensures appropriate remedial measures in this regard


Social Compliance Goal/Objectives and progress Status

SL Area Base Year Goal (What) Tactical Steps (How) Due Date Progress Status up to Dec 2018 Remarks
1 Accord 2014 100% Works will be completed by Mid-2019 in respect of Fire, Electrical point of view. Works will be done as per Accord Guideline and continuous monitoring. 06th May 2019 100% completed by initial audit Done
2 Energy 2017 Energy consumption reduce by 17% by 2020 1) To replace 100% class motor by servo motor. 2) Have introduced heat recovery system in boiler 3) To Improve Compress air leakage systems. 4) Increase training and awareness 5) Increase efficiency. 31st Dec 2018 98% Achieve as per our set up target Done
3 Water 2017 Water consumption reduce by 5% by 2018 1) To Modify the flashing system. 2) To change the water tap. 3) To provide training and awareness program. 30th June 2018 70% Achieve as per our set up target (3.35% out of 5%) In-Progress
4 Wastage 2017 Wastage reduces by 10% by 2019. 1) Reduced fabrics consumption and implement new method. 2) Improve marker efficiency and minimize wastage & thread consumption. 3) Minimize cutting wastage, Zero defects policy and sewing rejection reduced. 4) Implement of paper, poly, Carton and Accessories reduction by reduced consumption. 5) To provide training and awareness program 31st Dec 2019 83% Achieve as per our set up target (8.27% out of 10%) In-Progress

Overview information of Facilities Social & Environmental performance:

Social performance is the process of managing an organization to achieve a social & environmental goal. Kaniz Garments Ltd always try to maintain it in a proper manner and conduct different types of internal and external audit time to time for measuring the social performance of the company.

Overview informant ion of Facilities Social  & Environmental performance:


Environment Performance:

  • Chemical:
Kaniz Garments ltd typically used different chemical in production process as per requirements. To avoid the use of hazardous chemical/ban chemical in production and minimize their adverse impact to our environment, we highly encourage implementation of proper chemical management system in our factories. We have a dedicated person to monitor all the chemical regulations on regular basis with reference to Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemical, Classification, Labelling and various tools for screening followed in facility. As well as we continually update of Restricted Substance lists (RSLs) based on the latest legal and brands requirements.
  • Energy, water and Wastage :
Last couple of years we have been working to improve the environmental performance in our factory. In this regard we are working in different area. For improving the energy, water  & Wastage consumption we have taken some decision and implement accordingly which will be continue in future. Environmental Sustainability Report-2017-2018E6
Energy Uses-2017
Sl No Month Uses Power Consumption in KWH Uses Gas Consumption in M3 Uses Diesel Consumption in KWH
1 January 147600 7335.14 2214
2 February 99600 11443.83 3321
3 March 163200 8367.23 3321
4 April 258000 9856.64 9963
5 May 189600 7606.81 39852
6 June 100800 7335.14 13284
7 July 163200 9780.18 23247
8 August 151200 8421.82 9963
9 September 120000 8150.13 11070
10 October 164400 8469.63 32103
11 November 152400 8421.82 4428
12 December 145200 8553.41 9963
Total 1855200 103741.78 162729
Energy Uses-2018
Sl No Month Uses Power Consumption in KWH Uses Gas Consumption in M3 Uses Diesel Consumption in Ltr
1 January 134400 9383.84 4428
2 February 141600 9512.42 8856
3 March 164400 8305.62 14391
4 April 165600 8421.82 23247
5 May 189600 9140.07 2214
6 June 156000 9508.51 6642
7 July 121200 7878.48 28782
8 August 128400 9236.84 2214
9 September 164400 7878.48 1107
10 October 184800 9253.91 3321
11 November 169200 8965.17 11070
12 December 90000 8947.19 1107
Total 1809600 106432.35 107379
Total Energy uses & production status year-2017 & 2018
Year Uses Power Consumption in KWH Use Power Per pcs /KWH Remarks
2017 2017929 0.35 Energy reduce-9.81%
2018 1916979 0.32
In 2018, energy reduction target was 10% . We achieved 9.81%     Water
Total Ground Water Withdrawal Summary – 2017
Name of the Month Consumption in Gallons Remarks
January 914000
February 892000
March 1042000
April 1153000
May 1218000
June 844000
July 1032000
August 1000000
September 825000
October 1059000
November 1049000
December 935000
Grand Total (Gallons) 11963000
Total Ground Water Withdrawal Summary – 2018
Name of the Month Consumption in Gallons Remarks
January 974000
February 992000
March 1030000
April 1087000
May 939000
June 897000
July 1237000
August 963000
September 903000
October 1120000
November 1151000
December 894000
Grand Total (Gallons) 12187000
Total Water uses & production status year-2017 & 2018
Year Consumption in Gallons Use Water Per pcs /Gallons Remarks
2017 11953000 2.09 Water reduce-3.35%
2018 12187000 2.02
In 2018 water reduction target was 05% but we achieved 3.35%. Wastage
Total Wastage Monthly Summary – 2017
Name of the Month Consumption in KG Remarks
January 9199
February 5491
March 5030
April 12733
May 7869.5
June 4273
July 11774
August 4969
September 7669
October 5565
November 8629
December 11638
Grand Total (KG) 94839.5
Total Wastage Monthly Summary – 2018
Name of the Month Consumption in KG Remarks
January 8700
February 8752
March 7093
April 6271
May 7649
June 6618
July 11137
August 6825
September 7756
October 7197
November 6406
December 6593
Grand Total (KG) 90,997
Total Wastage uses & production status year-2017 & 2018
Year Consumption in KG Use Wastage Per pcs /KG Remarks
2017 94,839 0.0133 Wastage reduce-8.27%
2018 90,997 0.0122
In 2018 wastage reduction target was 10% but we achieved 8.27% in 2018.    

NGO/External Stakeholder Engagement Information of Kaniz Garments Ltd .

  SL Name of The Stakeholder/NGO Key Working Area Activities
1 Accord Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Structural Safety Provide guideline, support and monitor to develop the factory in respect of fire, Electrical and structural point of view.
2 Engender Health Bangladesh Family Planning & Reproductive Health Aware and support to the worker regarding family planning and General health.
3 Eminence Lactating Mother Support working mother in Appropriate infant and young child feeding.
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